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Teaching and Facilitation

Teaching and facilitating is an important skill for anyone to have, but is necessary in the outdoor recreation world. With experience teaching swim lessons, I have learned how to teach kids and adults alike how to swim. Having strong communication skills is one of the most important parts of being able to teach. Knowing how to explain one concept in multiple ways is important for being able to teach, because no one learns the same way. Teaching people how to swim isn't something you can just explain and they will know, it requires patience, and active trying. Experiential learning is key, and part of that is simply playing in the water. The more you immerse yourself in a skill in a fun setting, the more you will learn through experience.

Above is the personal artifact for teaching and facilitation. This picture was taken mid swim lesson with one of the children I was babysitting. This picture encapsulates the need for experiential learning, because while he is playing, he is practicing the skills we had just gone over, for example him practicing a bob in this picture. Communicating with him while teaching provided many challenges because of his lack of ability to pay attention. He learned and I learned as well.

Tyler Girard

(614) 949-5196

Site created by Tyler Girard

All pictures are my own.

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