Foundational Knowledge
I chose outdoor recreation and education as my major because I believe that the great outdoors can have a large impact on both your mental, and physical health. As an outdoor professional, my goal is to help others to realize what opportunities there are outside the confines of your living room. I would like to enable people to experience natural beauty, and help people to do that in a sustainable manner. Willi Unsoeld once asked the question "How well does your experience of the sacred in nature enable you to cope more effectively with the problems of mankind when you come back to the city?" This quote enforces the fact that nature helps keep the mind healthy, and the necessity of being outside.
At the bottom of the blog's screen, you will see a button labeled "Willi Unsoeld," which will take you to a powerpoint of an outdoor leader. This document is my institutional artifact because it embodies the heritage of outdoor recreation, and some of its roots. The history of outdoor education is very important and this man was responsible for a lot of great movements in the form of education, and mountaineering alike. Above is a picture from the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. This personal artifact shows the beauty of nature and is one of my ways to "cope more effectively with the problems of mankind."